Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Aside from English, Carol, my husband (let's call him JH) and I talked about language.

Carol: Have you ever taken other language classes?

JH: I'd learned about the German language when I was in high school, and I can say 'Hello' in German. "Guten tag!!" 

Jinah: I'm better than him when it comes to language because I can say two different things in French."

Carol: Really? Tell me about it, :D 

Jinah: First one, "Comment allez-vous?" and it means...

I could see her mouth moving to say the meaning but I didn't let her score. I said quickly and really boastly,

Jinah: " What's your name?" right? right? HAHA!


Suddenly, Carol started laughing loudly!!!

Carol: Oh, no, no, no, no! That's not "what's your name?". That means "how are you??"

OMG! I've mistaken "comment allez-vous" for "Comment tu t'apelle" for about 9 years!! It's kind of a century-long mistake.

Jinah: Great!! The only thing I know is just "Je t'aime".

Carol said it's really funny and I agree. I should not have been bumptious about French. Damn!!

Anyway, I also took a Chinese class when I was in university. I would not have taken the class if it had not been mandatory. I'd always had dark circles under my eyes after that class, like Pandas

...Oh, no. They're so cute! I'd rather say it's kind of bruises under my eyes. I wondered is there possibility that people's dark spots look cute like Pandas?  NO?? What a pity!!

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