Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today, I got this picture of having dinner with his colleagues. Let me introduce his friends. Another girl is pregnant, next guy giving me a long, boring lecture-"Get a driver license, right now"- is her husband. To be honest, I was absentminded while you were talking to me, sorry ;) A guy wearing white shirt will return to Korea to do military service (Geez), a guy wearing a blue-T-shirt have been running about 8 miles everyday, the last guy is.. nice, probably.
I mention something only as an aside; The white-shirt guy asked me, "How do women usually think of students returning to school after military service?", and I said " it depends on their appearance :)" and then he said " it's so cruel! " .. Am i cruel?? it would be better if I said " women would have good feelings if the 'after-military-service' guys were just kind or something." Oh! Come on-!! Let's be honest. At least to me neat, good and sinewy looks were really important standards of whether I dated him when I was young. Of course, aside from their appearnce, the more I was getting old, the more standards it appeared.
Anyway, the military service system in Korea is so dreadful to young guys because they have to give up two precious years of sparkling their youth :-(