Thursday, July 1, 2010

You should never say never

One man who Miranda dated after being shocked by her lazy ovary (if you are a big fan of Sex and the City you would remember it) said " You should never say 'Never'!', and I totally agree with that.

When I was in high school, I was really tired of math! I always said '" would Statistics be helpful when I buy bean sprouts or something? (I don't know why should I mention 'bean sprouts' ) , or would the differential and integral calculus solve my future problems regarding my family or my happiness??, No! Absolutely, No!!, and I swear, if I entered a university, I would never ever, even glance at Math!!" 

I was majoring in Economics, which uses a lot of Math and you know what? I even went to graduate school and my field was 'Game theory'. 

My master's thesis

My homework

Here's another thing. I used to go to a private institute when I was in high school because I wanted to make my mom feel better. My mom seemed to think that I study really hard if I'm not at home.  I was sick of preparing for SAT and attending the private institute so I always told my friend, "I'll never ever step one foot in this place after finishing SAT. You know what? I had to BE THERE even after finishing SAT, to study one more year because my scores sucked. In my defense, I briefly fell asleep during the exam because I took a pill due to my headache. It's not an end.

After one year, I was really really sick of the institute, so I swore "I seriously, truly, sincerely will never see this area even on TV!! " but you know what? Buses which took me to my university had to pass by the area. So I'd directly seen the institute for 4 years. Geez!! The funny thing is, my husband also attended the institute. :D

And finally... TODAY! I never thought I would be the one who pays ridiculously expensive graduate school tuition without school funds (I'm an international student),but..Yes.. I may be a parasite living on my parents. I'm being torn between remaining in a human being doing nothing and becoming  a parasite studying Economics.

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