Friday, January 28, 2011


Sushi was not my favorite when I was in Korea. I mean it's one of my favorites but not the true favorite. It sounds strange. I always could go to sushi restaurants which serve really delicious rolls and sushi with reasonable price whenever I wanted it so it's not at the top of my 'always-want-to-eat' list. On the contrary to this, I've craved going out to eat sushi since I came here only because 'real sushi' is a rare item here. My taste is so crafty. I did not like it that much but yesterday even though we ordered two additional dishes besides main courses there's no time to take a picture of them. See? my taste changes, depending on scarcity. Hum.. it sounds one of the main factors to define Economics. Come to think of it my tongue has been studying Economics for almost 10years. That makes sense.

Ocean roll

Crazy roll and YES I'm crazy at this :)

Just one roll makes me happy- I have so low boundary to be happy :)


His jaw seems to be dislocated because of this big roll-

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