Thursday, January 6, 2011


 This is what we've done during our super short vacation and if someone asked me " Is this best?", I would say "to me, absolutely!!" We had never left our home, we had eaten just one meal each day because we got up around 4 pm so we were losing our appetite and had taken no more than two steps. It sounds like super couch potatoes.  Anyway, my question is why JH caught a cold? Taking a rest for 10 days might be a big burden to him. Poor JH.. He has to keep working hard for his health. In fact, during midterms or finals, his skin looks glorious and brighter! So usually, he looks healthy when he sleeps less than 4 hours. It sounds strange, huh? I rather envy him because my skin looks like chocolate milk during exams and I hate it!!!

Anyway, I want to show you guys my super cozy sleep pants :) I love to see us wear this pants in the bedroom because as you can imagine, it's so cute :) Thanks mom!!

My mom's gift for us :)


  1. Next week, as you know, the spring semester start and you will be very very busy again. So, I'd say "Enjoy this moment" hahahaha~~

  2. I hate the fact that in spring, there are not enough holidays except for Spring break and the worst thing is, after this semester, the prelim is gonna welcome me!
